Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Christmas is a-coming!!

As much as we try to avoid it, the days keep on passing by and the inevitable is going to happen- Christmas and the Christmas Parties!

For someone eating clean, and especially someone new to eating clean, this can be a worrying time. The promise of pastry clad, bread-crumb coated and deep-fried party food, whilst tempting and tasty, could set us back weeks in our training and goal achievement. For those who don't eat clean it's not a big deal, for those who do, it's a potential recipe for disaster. So if you're trying to not undo all your hard work, here are a few tips to help you through the party season.

  • Try eating a small meal before you go to the party, make sure that this is as on programme as possible. Be sure not to be too full as this will not tempt out the party animal in you, but it will mean that you're not ravenous around all the food you're trying not to eat too much of.
  • You could move your “Treat Day” to the day of the party, eat on programme for the whole day, and then you're free to have a few treats and foods you wouldn't normally eat, while you're at the party. Just remember not to also have “Treat Day” on the normal day too!
  • Make sure you have a good training session the day of the party, this will increase your metabolism for at least that day, and will allow you to have a few guilt free foods while you're partying the night away. Not only that, it'll help to make you feel great in your party outfit, giving you a massive confidence boost before your big night out.
  • Dance dance dance!! It is a party after all! Dancing is a great way to get moving and make a start on burning those extra calories
  • Every buffet has at least some salad! Whether it's celery, carrot and cucumber sticks with humus or a mixed leaf salad, chances are you'll be one of the only ones eating it, go nuts! It's a great way to fill up on healthier options, whilst allowing yourself the treat of some of the party food!

Although the thought of all that party food might fill you with dread, it's important to remember that a little splurge every now and again is ok! It's not like you're eating these foods every day! You'll be back to training the next day (or maybe the day after) and you'll smash it! Even if your results do get a bit worse, and it seems you're getting further away from your goals, make sure you focus on the days when you're not going to be partying or visiting family, and you'll bounce back quickly after the party season.

If you're going to be away from home and your gym for more than a few days, then make sure you buy foods to take that you can make for yourself to eat wherever it is that you're staying. I'm pretty sure no-one minds if you bring your own breakfasts, lunches and snacks! Plan some home workouts you can do, if you're not sure how, get in touch ( to arrange a free consultation, I can then write a suitable programme for you to take with you!

These are just a few ideas, if you have any tips and tricks of your own, please feel free to share them in the comments box.

Enjoy your festive season, you've earned it!!