Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all!!

As the end of this year draws ever closer, I find myself reflecting on what has been, for me at least, an epic year and I can't help but be humbled by the constant help and support I have received from almost everyone I have come into contact with. Thank you to every one of you who gave even the teensiest smidgen of advice, support, help and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without every single one of you!!

And as always, with the end of the year, comes the beginning of a new one! For many, this means starting up on the diet and exercise wagon to get fit for summer! Now, I'm not normally one for waiting for New Year to start any diet and exercise programme, but this year, even I will be getting more focused. Why? You may ask! Because, this is the only time this year that I'll have some extra time in order to plan my training out properly and take time to consider any improvements I can make with my nutrition.

When planning your goals for this year, remember to make them SMART! Be as Specific as possible, down to the tiny details, in order for you to have a clear idea of where you're heading. How will you Measure your progress? Make sure your goal is Achievable and Realistic, not easy, but achievable with some good old fashioned elbow grease- and a decent amount of sweat of course! Don't forget to make it Timed too! Whether it's by the end of the year or the end of the month, set a deadline- it'll help to keep you focused on the task at hand, meaning you're more likely to achieve your goal.

No matter what your goals, you'll need your health in order to be able to reach them. Are you eating the right foods in order to support your body and mind? Are you getting enough activity into your day to keep your body and brain working effectively? The answer is probably No, as most people these days live quite sedentary lives, and our bodies just aren't designed to work well that way.

A great step towards getting healthier is to take up some regular exercise, three or more times per week. VT Personal Training's BootCamp is an excellent place to start. Held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:30am, meaning you can get your workouts in before work, boosting your energy for the day, making you more effective at work, and working towards any other goals you've set yourself. Never gone to a BootCamp before? Don't worry, it's not all shouting in your face to get down in the mud and give me “20”. Exercises are specific to your abilities and current fitness level, designed to improve overall fitness, increase your metabolism meaning you burn more fat and building lean muscle to give you the defined look you want.

Together we'll set your goals. I'll keep a record of your progress so you don't have to!! Nutritional advice and guidance will also be given in order to support your goals, and get you even closer to achieving them.

So why not give it a try? Drop me an e-mail (vtpersonaltraining@gmail.com) to confirm your place, and to take advantage of the January Sale! Each session is £5, but you can get the whole of January for just £50!

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